High Quality On-Site Concrete Production

Building the future with strong foundations

Traditional Concrete Mixers

Nearly every facet of the construction industry uses concrete, from modern buildings to rural roads. No matter how small or large the job, the traditional method of concrete delivery has remained the same—drum mixers bring in a load from the batch plant. Sometimes, they arrive late. Sometimes, they bring too much or too little. Other times, the quality varies from batch to batch.

Traditional Concrete Mixers

Brent Concrete Mixers

Our mixers have solved these and many other problems It is essentially a batch plant on wheels that produces a high-quality, freshly mixed concrete at the site. This type of mixing involves two basic principles:

  • Having all the materials needed to provide a customized mix at the pour site
  • Using advanced technology to ensure a precise mix and exact quantity with every pour

Brent Concrete Mixers

Our mobile mixers provides a fresh pour every time, eliminating time spent waiting for the drum mixer and worrying about hot loads or overages. Many contractors have discovered that on-demand site mixed concrete less costly, more time efficient, more versatile and offers a so many benefits compared with the traditional drum mixers.

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